Learn more about the experts from Crypto Nerds

Our experts are among the best in their field. It is important to us to have independent and practical experts in our courses to ensure the best possible learning success.


Katha is a Crypto, Blockchain and Web3 content expert, author, journalist and finance coach.


Eric is a crypto and Web 3.0 education expert, founder of Crypto Nerds, a trained banker, and brand ambassador for Europe’s largest blockchain association, Crypto Valley Association.

Georg Brameshuber

Georg is a crypto tax expert and tax advisor, board member of the Digital Asset Association Austria, CEO of validvent.tax and advisor to the advisory board at Blockchain for Europe.


Philipp is a Cloud Engineering and DeFi expert, Node Operator/Validator and Crypto Education enthusiast.


As the CEO of Pekuna, Werner Hoffman is an expert in taxes and cryptocurrencies. With his company, founded in 2018, he has helped numerous customers with the tax preparation of their cryptocurrency transactions.


Meike Krautscheid is an entrepreneur and a world-leading specialist in blockchain-based use cases and business transformation. She is the founder and CEO of blockXspace, a company that provides blockchain solutions for both the public and private sector.

Abu Shaqra

Yaser is a skilled Marketing & Partnerships Manager, enhancing digital presence, managing communities, and creating high-quality content for web, podcast, and social media.


Marcus has been invested in crypto since 2020 and is passionate about digital assets. At Crypto Nerds he is responsible for business development and consulting our clients. Through his management studies and his several years of work in marketing and event management, he was able to gain a lot of experience in different companies and company sectors.

Franziska Schmudezki

Franziska is our Social Media Manager and responsible for content creation. The connection between education and innovative technologies is her passion. She has experience in both B2B and B2C sectors and has created informative content around cloud platforms and Web 3.0, as well as virtual reality.

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